5 Movies That You’ve Probably Watched At Nappark
When we visit a new country, we tend to do all things new. However sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of Bangkok we do need some downtime too. We all have our home comforts and watching movies can be one of them. At Nappark, there is a giant mattress that is for everyone to laze about, have a chat or watch a movie. So whether you are waiting to check in, or have some spare time before your next journey, Nappark will normally have a movie playing in the background.
We like to travel, that’s why you’ll be staying at Nappark, so some of the movies that are played will relate to this. Do you remember any of these movies being played?
The Beach
Probably the most famous movie to all backpackers, The Beach was released back in 2000 and stars Leonardo Di Caprio. The setting is the idyllic Thai islands and depicts Koh Phi Phi’s Maya Bay as a lost paradise. This movie literally inspires thousands to go and travel despite being 17 years old. Still, it gets us excited to explore Thailand.
Hangover II
Set in Bangkok, the Hangover II reminds us about the craziness that can occur in Bangkok. A city where anything goes and things are ‘same same but different’ is a perfect warm up for a fun night having drinks in Thailand’s capital. The movie is hilarious and although it isn’t a full representation of Bangkok as the movies antics depict, it does excite us for the possibilities.
Fast and Furious 5
One of the most loved Fast & Furious movies, Fast 5 is actually set in Brazil. Typically played because of its exotic location and easy to follow storylines, Fast 5 is perfect for a movie to watch casually and not take too seriously. Plus, many people who travel SE Asia tend to want to visit South America too, so this is a great way to get motivated!
Friends With Benefits
The guys will like Mila Kunis and the girls will like Justin Timberlake. The pair are hilarious in this movie and make for easy watching whilst on Napparks mattress. Backpacking and travelling can make all kinds of romantic altercations, with friends with benefits certainly being one of them!
Horrible Bosses
Another comedy that is easy to watch as we drift away on the famous Nappark mattress. We’ve all had a boss so it’s nice to not have one for a while as we backpack Thailand.
If you haven’t watched these whilst you’ve stayed at Nappark, which movie did you enjoy whilst staying here? Comment through Facebook below..
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